While it’s not true that this page owes it’s existence to a Doctor Who bender (I’ve been pretty good about keeping my journey through the Tom Baker years from interfering with work), I must confess that I DID have trouble writing this one. I’ve been wanting to introduce Yoink for a while, it was just a matter of finding something for her to DO.

See, Yoink is another character who hails from those homework-based cartoons I drew in college. If it struck me that something we read strongly resembled some pop culture whatever, it was Yoink’s job to point it out. Unfortunately, this has proven harder to work into the Conventional Wisdom model than with the other mascots, and it’s mostly my own fault. Thing is, I just don’t watch too many of the popular anime at any given moment, and the stuff I DO watch is either obscure or just old. Thus, it’s been tougher than expected to come up with decent, satirical material that you, the average reader, would actually get.

Still, I’m gradually getting into the groove, so I wanted to go ahead and get her introduced. Ya know, lest I should end up in another scrambling situation like that Godzilla comic.

OH! And Animazement’s rapidly approaching! Keep an eye out for a new batch of convention pages in a few weeks!

(Historical Notes; Oh, that is just precious.  Past Me is talking about not keeping up with current, popular stuff, right after the single longest stretch of topical comics Conventional Wisdom would ever see.  You can’t talk about watching late night TV and then pretend to be an iconoclast, kid!  And let’s not even get into the fact that Yoink ABSOLUTELY should have been introduced in those anime crossover comics.  I mean, that’s just a gimmie.)