Just to get ahead of anybody who feels like being a smartypants: NO, I’m not sleeping in a van in the parking lot again this year.  That van doesn’t even exist any more.

But other than that, YEAH!  I’m back for more AWA!  For the first time since 2018!  This was NOT a part of the plan for 2023 back when the year started, but here we are!  And if you’re reading this before the con happens, I’ve got panels to plug!  I’ll be at Awesomely Bad Japanese Music Videos THURSDAY night, starting at 10:15 pm (in room 106).  Yes, that’s pre-con night, so if you want in on that, make sure to pick up your badge good and early. On just about as far on the other end as you can get, I’ll also be at Shoujo Rock Heaven on SUNDAY at 1:45pm (also in room 106).  And if you just randomly see me wandering around in the halls, be sure to say hi!  I promise I’m not unfriendly, just be REALLY discombobulated and tired, that’s all.

And if you just want to stalk me digitally, you can always keep an eye on my ever-expanding array of social media outlets.  Depending on which poison you prefer, you’ll be able to see con pictures and random updates on Facebook, Tumblr, X, Instagram, Threads, and although I don’t know how to post direct links to them there’s also Mastadon (“BlitzTheComicGuy@mastodon.online”) and Bluesky (“@blitzthecomicguy.bsky.social”).  Rest assured, I don’t actually enjoy using ANY of these things, but I’ll take any chance to spam the internet with content.

AND SPEAKING OF WHICH: If you’re reading this AFTER the con, hopefully the first of the comics are already on the way, depending on how bad I feel after the trip back.  Remember, I don’t do these comics in big bulk updates anymore, I just post each page once it’s done.  So be sure to keep following whichever of those social medias you hate the least to get a heads up every time a new page is up.  And if all that wasn’t enough, SUPPORT ME ON PATREON!  If the AWA comics aren’t coming fast enough for you, there’s even more material going up there, including a few more pages from Otakon 2023!  This is why I’m always discombobulated and tired!