(Historical Notes: Yeah, this is probably the most obvious problem with the whole van camping arrangement is the bathing issue.  I mean, conventions already have a hard enough time getting people to bathe even when they’re staying in hotel rooms with fully functioning showers, like, RIGHT THERE.  All things considered, I really do think I did a pretty good job of keeping myself scrubbed up, but as you can see, the real issue wasn’t whether or not I had soap and water on hand.  It got HOT in that van.  You gotta remember that when I did this at Ichibancon, it was early January, so getting hot and sweaty really wasn’t much of an issue.  It was VERY MUCH an issue in late summer Atlanta, though, and would continue to be one well into the night.  And I should further add that I do NOT deal with the heat well in general, which meant all of this plus the aforementioned stress and lack of sleep ultimately led to…)