(Historical Notes: Now, obviously a big part of this is just me having the object permanence of an infant and the memory of a goldfish, but it’s also a good example of the other reason why trying to slap together a camper in a single morning just doesn’t work.  I thought I could lay everything out and keep things organized just in the form of separate piles on the floor, but NOPE!  Within mere minutes, everything had merged into a single uber-pile, and I spent the whole weekend failing to keep track of ANYTHING.  I really did lose track of stuff in the midst of all that clutter as quickly as this comic suggests.  I’m not even kidding.  Basically, it just proved that the only way to do this kind of thing was to set up shelves and storage bins and other bits of furniture that would be really difficult to setup if they’re not going to be permanent.  I mean, I can’t even keep my room organized!)