(Historical Notes: Okay, I’ll still go on record as defending the CONCEPT of this part, if not the execution.  This really was the one time in my life that I’ve been able to just breeze around Charlotte with no traffic stress whatsoever, so I legitimately do still endorse driving at night when nobody else is around.  HOWEVER, several details of this plot were still fatally flawed.  First of all, I drastically underestimated how long it’d actually take me to drive all the way across two and a half states, and the window of time where I’d HOPED to be sneaking through Atlanta I still wasn’t quite out of South Carolina yet.  For this to have actually worked as intended, I’d have to already be passing through Charlotte at around midnight, not only just getting out of Raleigh.  The second issue with the “get there before dawn” strategy is, obviously, having somewhere do actually GO when you get there at dawn.  My plan at the time was to immediately set up camp in the parking lot and just sleep until the con started, but…)