(Historical Notes:  Here’s another one I wish I had the original commentary for, though for very different reasons.  There’s no question that this incident happened exactly as shown, I’m more curious about what Past Me was thinking during the creation process. There’s no doubt in my mind that, had I drawn this exact page back in 2008, that last panel would show me smiling with my head held high, basking in the joy of participating in con shenanigans and being praised by The Cool Kids.  But, obviously, I’d had a full decade by this point to realize just how uncool these inebriated idiots actually were, and how unimpressive con shenanigans really were to take part in.  I wanna know if Past Me was deliberately thinking “Okay, if I do this thing, it’ll be content I can use later” or if there was still SOME faint lingering sliver of the old, stupid me who genuinely sought out engagement with these people.  Given the mood I was in all weekend, that’s doubtful, but confirmation would be nice.  You know, just to pinpoint the exact point where Past Me finally died and Present Me fully took his place.)