I knew they only way this update would get done before AUSA was if I got the bulk of the pages drawn during the con itself. And I knew the only way THAT would happen was if numerous people checked up on me and help me accountable. BOY HOWDY, DID YOU GUYS EVER DO IT, and I appreciate the pestering greatly.

(Historical Notes: It honestly wasn’t THAT many reminders, but the fact that I generally don’t receive much direct contact from anybody ever sure made it FEEL like a lot.  And no, I cannot fathom how Past Me could live through the MAGFest/Ichibancon debacle and STILL let this happen a second time in the same year.  I mean, I know why, it’s because I’d been wanting to head down to Atlanta for a while.  I just can’t imagine ANYTHING being enough to make me do something like this again, no matter what nostalgia was afoot.)