Even if you’re not that into Super Sentai-type stuff, go see S*H*S whenever you get the chance. When else are you gonna see a concert where the performers act out rubber monster battles? (well, there was that one of Montreal show…)

(Historical Notes: Past Me was trying to be nice again, and refrained from mentioning how this concert was in a room waaaaaaaaaay too big for it.  There’s a joke to be made about the Galleria being one of those convention centers where the rooms are either way too big or way too small, but I think the real issue was that the only stage & decent sound system was in the main events hall.  So these poor guys were doing their show to an audience of under a hundred in a room that was laid out to seat several thousand.  I hope the lighting was good and blinding, because that must have been an unfairly demoralizing sight otherwise.)