(Historical Notes: …aaaaaaand crap like this is why I so desperately need Past Me’s commentary to make sense of some of these comics.  I mean, yeah, I actually do still have the notes I took that weekend… somewhere.  I’ve got a drawer literally stuffed full of notepads and the AUSA 2016 one is in there SOMEPLACE, but I don’t wanna go through all the trouble of finding it again.  After all, even if I did find it, there’s a very real possibility that I wouldn’t be able to read half the notes, since I would have been writing them while in the physical and mental state you see here.  A lot of those notes are only any good when it’s still close enough to the original events for me to remember them with only minimal help, a vague “oh yeah, that thing” hint.  That, or my handwriting would just be too sloppy to make sense of without some clear memories to help me make educated guesses what I was talking about.  It’s surprisingly heard to use good penmanship in a dark room when you’ve got a puppet in one hand.)