(Historical Notes: I said this before, but it bears repeating.  I DEEPLY wish I’d been able to at least get through the rest of 2016’s comics before SmackJeeves went down.  I could reeeaaally use Past Me’s notes on this period because, as you can see, I wasn’t in a condition to make long-term memories at this point.  This would be the very last time I’d do two conventions even slightly within the same month, and even at the time I already knew it was a terrible idea.  And that’s BEFORE to factor in my having a table in Artist Alley this year, which is something I’ll be getting into on its own later.  The point is, there’s a LOT from this year that I don’t remember anymore, and I really could have used some contemporary narration to provide some extra context.  So hey, if you were at AUSA 2016 and can fill in a few gaps, consider yourself encouraged to leave some comments!)