It’s terrifying how close I came to forgetting The Obligatory Cameo Kids this update. I know some people who might seriously inflict physical punishment if I ever left them out.

Also, the background of this comic is about as close as anyone is ever going to get to Far Out There body pillows.

Also also, speaking of the background, hahahahahahahadefunctanimecompanies.

(Historical Notes: Parking up in Northwest DC was even worse than the rest of the city, which is saying something, so sending one person to park at Metro station was pretty much the only reasonable option.  We’d do this with other cons to, but for some reason I remember the AUSA wait much more vividly than any of the others.  Maybe because it always felt like the Wardman Park staff were just a little more belligerent about bag check than everybody else?  Actually, it was around this time that I started avoiding hotel bag check entirely and just started lugging my stuff across the Metro to the van first thing in the morning.  The loner traits already starting to assert themselves.)