State Alchemist Excalibur… it’s simultaneously awesome and terrifying (and, again, I’m acting like everyone reading this has an intimate knowledge of FullMetal Alchemist and Soul Eater)

As I’ve mentioned elsewhere, I tend to watch a lot of AMV showings at cons. It’s easier than searching for the good ones on my own, and these things are usually better enjoyed with a room full of people. AUSA us always a great con for that, ‘cos they show a TONG of stuff. AMV Salad, AMV Hell, heck, there was even a lengthy showing of My Little Pony videos. Never has time been wasted in such a creative fashion.

Oh, and to the few people who were sitting close enough to know what I’m talking about: Cereal Killers TOTALLY needs to happen.

(Historical Notes: No, I have no idea what the context of that is.)