…it’s nothing compared to REAL work, like drawing cartoons for the Internet.

Okay, so I’m just gonna go ahead and apologize for the first couple of pages here. I kinda panicked over the amount of stuff that I have to get drawn in the near future and tried to pound out as many pages as I could during the con itself. As you’ll soon see, the results weren’t worth it. Even after a TON of editing, this page is still pretty sloppy even for Conventional Wisdom, and it gets worse before it gets better. Sorry again…

(Historical Notes: I keep going through these cycles of getting too little stuff drawn during the con, freaking out over how long it takes to draw everything at home, trying to draw more at the next con, freaking out over how long it’s taking to clean up all the sloppy art, then… wait.  Is it truly a cycle if I remain stuck in “taking too long” no matter what?)