I’d never really paid much attention to Maid Cafes before AUSA, and the only reason I went this time was because one of my friends was working there. To my great surprise, it was a LOT of fun! Everyone was EXTREMELY friendly and courteous, things seemed to run pretty smoothly from what I could see, and there was actually a lot to do once you were inside… like say, play Hungry Hungry Hippos. Oh, and the food was nice, too!

Also, just for the record, I actually did win ONE game, but she still was the over all winner. Clearly, the game was rigged. A PLOT, I SAY! A PLOT!

(Historical Notes: One of Conventional Wisdom’s longest-running plot threads BEGINS!  I’d complain that I can’t link ahead to the later pages at this point, but since the new website actually allows me to TAG stuff, future readers can just use those to see what I mean!  That’s seriously one of my favorite parts of this new setup: being able to aggressively categorize every page into sub-groups.  I am such a dork.)