I’ve said it before at other places and I’ll say it again here: I LOVE Opening Ceremonies at Anime USA. A lot of other, bigger cons put so little effort into the opening that it’s kind of embarrassing (even Otakon doesn’t have much to boast about other than the videos Madhouse makes ’em) AUSA, on the other hand, dreams up big, elaborate skits through which the important information may be delivered. No one will mistake it for high drama or anything, but it’s FUN. And what’s more, it really says “Hi there, con goer! We really take what we do seriously here!” in a way that a boring lecture from the head medic on bathing never could (I’m lookin’ at YOU, Katsucon)

(Historical Notes: Do you realize just how many people are approaching adulthood who have NO idea what Windows Vista jokes even mean?)