Yeah right, “sleep.” I still had to finish a week’s worth of Far Out There pages PLUS everything you just finished reading.

Well, that’s all the Anime USA material. Hope you liked it. Huh? What’s that? You say you don’t want to have to wait until Katsucon for me to update again? Well YOU’RE IN LUCK! Since this is the one comic I do that people actually READ, I’ve decided to try updating Conventional Wisdom on a WEEKLY basis for the next couple of months! HURRAY!

Obviously, I can’t afford to go to a con every week, so this will basically be a “filler arc” of more generic, otaku-related comics. What specifically does that mean? Good question. I’m not entirely sure what the next few months are going to look like myself. It’s all a grand experiment! So tune in this time next week to see what Conventional Wisdom will look like during the off season!

(Historical Notes: Man, So many things about this entire situation seem weird to me now.  Doing the entire update in one big blast, actually needing something to fill up the dead space in between updates, knowing that those filler comics to come didn’t have the mascots introduced yet, remembering when my room was organized all differently, SO much weirdness.)