I get lost under the best of circumstances. These were NOT the best of circumstances. And I didn’t even include the bits where I worked crazy shifts every night leading up to this, OR the last minute repacking right before I left the apartment.

(Also, this seems like as good a place as any to note that my bus was FULL of people headed to PAX. I really feel like I should have been able to wring a comic out of that, but nothing springs to mind.)

(Historical Notes: Several things to mention in passing here, the first being that the bit above about PAX East will be important later.  Second, Past Me is really underselling how much more complicated packing for a convention is when you’ve got to fit EVERYTHING into a single suitcase.  That’s reason #935092 why driving to cons it a better idea.  Third, all things considered, I honestly didn’t get AS lost as I was afraid I was going to.  Between all the time in DC and that previous trip to Boston, I actually navigated the web of public transportation quite easily.  It was only the final stretch, when I had to walk from the last stop to where I was staying, that I got all turned around and confused… which is totally on brand.  Finally, I Special Edition’d this page a lot more than you’d think from looking at it.  For reasons only known to Past Me, the narration text on the SmackJeeves version was weirdly, uncomfortably small.  Like, the amount of empty space in each frame was distracting.  So I spent WAAAAY more time than you’d think scaling the text up.  Not just re-typing it, no.  That would be too simple.)