Well, here we go! Conventional Wisdom’s second new con of the year! I’m excited, if also every bit as exhausted as this picture makes me look. And speaking of this picture, LOOK! Finally, an official comic that shows all the mascots in color! I’m sure… TENS of you were waiting to see what color Grumbles’ hair is.

I do, however, reserve the right to alter any of these colors at the slightest whim, particularly since I kind of bashed this page out in a frantic hurry.

Well, anyway, if you’re tuning in for the first time, WELCOME! If all goes well (and what are the odds of that), the full set of Anime Boston comics should be online Wednesday. If not… well, just keep checking back here until they are. OR just follow on Twitter or watch the Facebook group and be alerted when the comic-y goodness has finally started to flow! …ew.

EDIT: Okay, so here’s the deal. I actually managed to get a lot of material drawn before leaving the con, so for a little while it looked like I’d make the Wednesday deadline after all. Then Monday turned into a big, long string of bus delays and power outages, and I ended up not getting ANYTHING drawn. So, at this point, Wednesday’s simply not a possibility. MAYBE late Thursday, or more likely Friday. Keep an eye out for updates and I’ll let you know when everything’s ready. SORRY!

(Historical Notes: Oh boy, there’s some stories to tell about this trip right here.  Stories I’ll hold on to until the end, for reasons which will be obvious by then.  I WILL say it’s a bit odd that I apparently colored this page to look like a Greyhound bus, even though I actually rode Megabus… odd for reason that I will again save until later.  OOOOOH SUSPENSE!)