…aaand we’re back!  Sorry about the lapse in comics, there was and continues to be a lot of moving things around the house, even beyond my recent computer transitions.  But while the dust hasn’t LITERALLY settled (oh, my freakin’ allergies) it has metaphorically settled enough for me to get back to work on documenting Animazement, AND THE FIFTY MILLION KEYCHAINS.

Seriously, what the heck?  I admit it’s been a while since I actually did time in Artist Alley myself, so I haven’t been paying THAT much attention, but I really don’t remember keychains being such a hot commodity before.  Like, one or two tables selling some, in between the posters and stickers and buttons, maybe.  But I swear half the total tables in Artist Alley had some form of key-holding-apparatus for sale this year, and it made tracking down One Specific Stall a lot more complicated than expected.  And that’s just the START of the story, though the rest is yet to come…