(Historical Notes: …and the worst part is, I don’t even think my friend pointing this out was even GOING to Animazement back before it put down roots in downtown.  Actually, no, I take that back.  The REAL worst part is looking back on this page after finally making a pilgrimage back out to the Sheraton Imperial to take pictures for ConCONcon and discovering just how much the inside of that building has changed.  Nothing underlines the sever passage of time quite like the realization that you couldn’t really go back to The Past even if you wanted to.  But yeah, even though the RCC is still “the new location” in my head, I’ve been to FAR more Animazements there than I ever did back at the Sheraton.  Heck, the first AZ there was also the first AZ to be covered in Conventional Wisdom.  How’s THAT for old?

Also, as I look back on this again just now, I THINK this might have been the last convention I ever took The Van to.  It was definitively no longer trustworthy for trips out of state, but I think it hadn’t QUITE been judged unsafe to drive out of town just yet.  There’s yet another milestone in the relentless passage of time.)