(Historical Notes: In case it wasn’t clear from the comic itself, Animazement was unusually quiet on Thursday evening and all of Friday.  At the time, I wasn’t sure if my perception of crowd levels had just been thrown off by more… “intimate” cons like Ichibancon, but a lot of the people who WERE there felt the problem was Animazement overlapping with Momocon.  And I think this was also one of those years where Anime Boston was the same weekend as well, which is generally too far away to affect crowd levels but did stretch the guests and dealers out a bit.  Of course, a sizable percentage to the people assuming that also just happened to be people who had a beef with AZ and wanted any reason to imply that the con was dying.  As you can no doubt guess from the second panel, such doomsaying didn’t account for all the filthy casuals and normies who weren’t going to attend ANY convention until they were off from work or school for the weekend.  The later two-thirds of the weekend weren’t struggling to find a crowd at ALL.)