(Historical Notes: I’m pretty sure I’ve said this elsewhere, but one of the things that really started the pattern of lateness with Conventional Wisdom updates was the fact that I stopped drawing comics during the con.  I know, I know, of COURSE they’ll get done later if I start working on them later, right?  Well, yeah, but that’s not what I mean.  I’m talking about the fact that I had more time to THINK about things.  The more room I had to think about the whole set of comics as a whole, the more I started to paralyze myself by trying to organize all the gags into some kind of grand arc.  That’s actually one of the many reasons I eventually shifted over to posting these things one page at a time.  By forcing myself to focus on just getting a single comic done in isolation, things actually started getting DONE.  Of course, there’s also the fact that all these extra visual bells and whistles take more time and energy than I could ever afford while scribbling doodles during the con.  No quick release schedule is worth going back to THIS again.)