I’m sure there are actual videos of what we got up to at the panel this year, but I haven’t had time to look anywhere other than the Awesomely Bad tumblr and Facebook pages, and nobody posted anything there. Poke around the net a bit and I’m sure you’ll manage to find something.

Oh, and just in case anyone thinks I’m trying to pick a fight: I’ve got nothing against pro wrestling (eer, that is, “sports entertainment”). I actually find the history and behind the scenes stories really fascinating. I just can’t get into actually WATCHING the stuff, though, so I’ll never, ever be current on whatever’s going on at the moment.

(Historical Notes: The big irony here, of course, being that THESE days I really am pretty well-versed in what’s going on in pro wrestling.  In fact, I’d go so far as to say it’s the one niche of the entertainment industry that I actually bother to stay current on, rather than just picking through backlogs of decades-old material.  The secondary irony, though, is that the only reason I STARTED trying to keep up with wrestling was because of instances like this.  Most of my con buddies were on a big wrestling kick and I wanted to have SOME idea what they were talking about.  And irony the third is, despite all that, I still don’t really WATCH pro wrestling all that much.  Like, I’ll watch the YouTube clips of a show’s highlights, but I the only show I ever got in the habit of actually watching from beginning to end was NWA Power.)