Animazement 2016: page 10
Awesomely Bad cosplayers actually aren’t a new development, but this was the very first time any of us managed to actually get some pictures of the wondrous event. Hurrah!
(Now, when is somebody gonna cosplay as the robot from that one Polysics video?)
(Historical Notes: I THINK I went ahead and gave them the bags of free stuff, since I never saw any cosplayers from any of my comics. I know I gave them a lot of stuff ONE year, anyway.)
It took us a number of years but we finally remembered to document stuff! I’m glad we always have people regularly dressing up as people from the videos we do. It really adds something fun to the show.
Looking at those pictures again, I think the real moral here is that the lights were up WAY brighter that year than usual.
Yeah, I can’t remember if it was all because of my intro stuff or if they had changed the light control programming in the room but it was left that way for some reason.