And there you have it! Animazement 2016! Sorry it took so freakin’ long, but even with several planed pages dropped, this still came pretty dang close to being the longest Conventional Wisdom update ever. Pretty good for a con where I constantly complained about not having time to go do anything, eh?

Speaking of which, there’s going to be a second batch of Animazement comics on Patreon in a week or so… and I have NO idea how many comics that “batch” will turn out to be. I already had more comics than I knew what to do with set aside BEFORE I started dropping pages from the main update, so who knows what I’ll end up drawing for Patreon? I guess there’s only one way to find out!

Oh, and as long as I’m doing self-promotion, the next item on Conventional Wisdom’s 2016 line-up is *drumroll* HOSHICON! That’s right, I’m adding another new one to the list! And better yet, for the first time all year, I’m not doing ANY panels or ANY Artist Alley at this con. So no more complaining about sitting at a table all day! YAY!!!

(Historical Notes: Apparently, this was a problem across the entire weekend, either because the con had misjudged the number of people who’d be there, or just because the room space itself was poorly optimized.  The fact that I wasn’t up in the halls long enough to have an opinion is just one more reason I was so glad to not have anything else to do at Hoshicon.  And speaking of which, oh boy.  I’m gonna have a LOT to say down here about those comics…)