…she’s not kidding, by the way. If this update seems a lot shorter than usual, that’s ‘cos it is. I had to drop, like, five potential comic ideas because the update was already running late and I needed to just finish what I had. Rest assured, the next time we have a collection of CW outtakes, Animazement will be appearing a LOT.

SPEAKING OF WHICH, sorry again for how long it took to finish these! Between work, the move, and my overpowering desire to just kick back and vegetate now that the move is OVER, getting anything creative done has been a major challenge. BUT IT HAPPENED! Hope you enjoyed it!

As for the future, there probably won’t be a filler page this Wednesday, ‘cos come on, you already got over a dozen cartoons this week. Filler goodness should pick up next week, though, and continue until Otakon rolls around again… which is already closer than I realize. DUN DUN DUUUUN.