I’m not sure which is the sadder thing here: the fact that I just immediately thought of looking up the city I’d moved to on TVTropes, or the fact that there was actually a VERY DETAILED page waiting for me.

So, interesting conundrum here: as you can see, I’ve finally gotten somewhat settled in up here, so Conventional Wisdom can finally emerge from that blanket of pre-drawn moving filler… just in time for me to get distracted with preparations for Animazement. Yeah, I’m going to do my best to keep some “real” pages coming over the next few weeks, seeing as how I’ve kind of already used up my yearly quotient of total filler… but we’ll see. I’ve never had to treat AZ as an “out of town” con before, let alone traveling to a con by BUS…

(Historical Notes: Even in that squiggly, messy lineart, that remains the cleanest that apartment EVER looked.  I’m perversely proud to point out that it was only HALF my fault, but yeah.  That place was a disaster area by the time we moved out, and it was already the dumpiest building in Georgetown to begin with.  And I wouldn’t say this was the FIRST thing I did.  That would probably have been buying groceries… followed shortly by a heart attack over realizing just how quickly my food budget was going to run out… and compounded by the realization that the fridge’s freezer had managed to literally itself solid in the months since I’d last visited.  THAT was a fun chore to deal with, eventually.  Oh, and that alt text takes on a whole other meaning in retrospect.)