So, this is a conundrum. Animazement is looming dangerously close, and I’ve still got to get all my crap ready to go WHILE getting pages of Far Out There ready to go online in my absence. And, of course, this is the first time I’ve had to work out con travels from the new place, so there’s that whole added distraction (to say nothing of the weirdness of what used to be “the local con” suddenly turning into the one farthest away) So, with all that crap going on, this is a perfect time to just toss off a few uber-filler pages with the mascots so that I can focus on other stuff.

…except for the fact that I already DID that to cover the move up here. Any more and even I’D get sick of this comic. Well, at least this week is actually anime related. That alone is a step up.

(Historical Notes: I’m making it sound like I had a lot more to “do” than I actually did at this point in my life.  I had no job lined up in DC ahead of time, and it would been months before I even scored an interview anyplace.  All I really had to do was re-pack some of the stuff I’d already unpacked, and buy a bus ticket.  That and wander aimlessly around DC on foot.  I did a LOOOOOOT of that.)