This is why I packed up the face painting kind of early on Saturday. It probably didn’t need to, ‘cos I don’t think there were too many more lines like that, but it seemed like a good idea at the time. Of course, so did setting up there in the first place. Interestingly enough, while several of the pages you’ve seen so far do really pathetic jobs of capturing the likenesses of the real people involved, this one’s actually pretty dang accurate. Hey, it’s not like I had anything else to look at then, right?

(Historical Notes: Okay, I DO remember this being one of the main reasons why I stopped doing the face painting, I just thought it happened the year before.  The old Animazement hotel/convention center was much more hallway-based than the Raleigh Convention Center, which is all wide open space.  It was easy to find high traffic spots back there, but I think one of the main design points of the RCC was to diffuse the crowds enough that there wouldn’t BE “high traffic” any place.  So the whole time I was either sitting in some corner where nobody could even see me, or I was stuck behind a line like this, where you ALSO couldn’t see me.)