Animazement 2023 – page 1
LOOK AT THAT! Page one hitting the web the very first day after the con! Go me! This totally isn’t jinxing the rate at which future comics get done at ALL!
Anyway, before somebody else says it: I know it really wasn’t that cold at all during Animazement weekend. I actually found it quite comfortable, especially in a convention context. But that’s just the thing: I overheat and get worn out at the very suggestion of the concept of warmth, so me being comfortable means that everybody ELSE must be feeling chilly. And yeah, even at just the tail end of May, I’ll generally still find it warm enough to require the sort of preventative measures that most people don’t think about until the dead of August (I’m really fun to be around at Otakon). So a cool, dreary weekend honestly worked out great for me… but even I could have done without the rain. It’s just dang inconvenient to work around, especially for those of us not staying at the hotel, ya know? But hey, there weren’t any tornadoes this year, so I guess we can only count our blessings, right?
I see the ice cold water still costs $1.
Imported direct from Baltimore
I live around the edge of the Tropical Zone. Objectively slightly chilly weather feels FREEZING to me. I would honestly prefer snow, simply because it would give a reasonable explanation as to why I’m so rugged up whenever it occours.