(Historical Notes: One thing that I really, definitely, one hundred percent to NOT regret about commuting to and from conventions instead of staying on site is the slide into ruination that sets in during the late hours.  Admittedly, I have also noticed an increasing trend towards cons just closing up entirely during these dead hours, which obviously does a lot to solve the problem.  I mean, comics like this are directly inspired by my memories of old Animazements, where the con was in the hotel and things ran pretty much 24 hours.  These days, a lot of cons have the hotel and the convention center in separate buildings, and even some cons I’ve been to that WERE all in the same building still just kicked everybody out of the halls at some point.  I can’t exactly say what that process looks like, since I’m usually long gone by the time it happens.  I just get there the next morning and the metal curtains are down and there’s a “con’s closed” sign sitting in the lobby.  Now, I’m definitely one of those old cranks to loves to complain about the way cons Used To Be, but if modern conventions have found a way to eliminate the 3am dead zone, that’s some change I can get behind.)