(Historical Notes: More of me desperately trying to get one of my Fake Anime ideas over, though this is another example of how to actually work that into a comic that, I personally think, stands quite well on its own.  Because yeah, “Heroic Bloodshed Maidens” might be made up, but everything else about this page is ENTIRELY true.  The whole “fanart print” business model requires an artist to be really REALLY in touch with what’s popular at the moment, and productive enough to keep cranking out new stuff to stay on top of those trends as they shift.  I’m just not that guy.  I like the things I like, and continue to like them… pretty much forever, honestly.  I have trouble fathoming what it’s like to be such a flighty, shallow person that I could go from obsessed with a series to being completely over it as quickly as most Kids These Days.  And when you try to blindly grasp at stuff you don’t really get, it’s not going to work very well, and even the times it DOES work, it won’t be very fulfilling.  That’s why you won’t see me back in Artist Alley again until I’ve got a decent stock of ORIGINAL stuff that will never go out of style because they were never in style to begin with.)