(Historical Notes: Hey look! A totally subtle and not at all intrusive excuse to plug the ConCONcon shirt!  …and also the non-Staff variety!  How did THAT end up here?  No, but seriously, here’s another set of ConCONcon comics… or at least part of one.  I’ll get to that in a bit, but for now just know that this was also the FINAL ConCONcon to officially kick off on April Fools’ Day.  From here on out, it fully takes over the old “filler comic” role of being what Conventional Wisdom is in between real cons.  Complications would arise from that rather quickly, but again, that’s a story we’ll get to in its own time…

OH! I almost forgot!  This is also the last ConCONcon with any kind of a “cover page” instead of just jumping straight into the first page!  The whole point of cover pages on a webcomic like this is to have a placeholder on the site during the weekend of the convention itself.  In theory, anybody checking in during the con will be more likely to check back for new comics if they see a teaser for the new series instead of the tail end of the LAST set.  Obviously, that doesn’t really apply to ConCONcon, so after this point I stopped bothering.  As you can see, it takes me a LONG time to break out of a habitual pattern.)