Look, I know I’m usually the first one to warn you about how gross the bathrooms at a con and be… and it’s usually for good reason.  But it’s for that exact reason why I ALSO encourage finding the most obscure, out of the way, farthest from the center of the con bathroom to do your business.  And since I only get more sensitive to constant crowds and noise the older I get, I’ve also become more and more appreciative of the OTHER benefits of getting as far from the hoard as possible.  Heck, I finally had the other meaning of “rest room” dawn on me at Wake Forest Mini Comic Con.  There was only one set of bathrooms in that whole facility, and it was STILL an oasis of calmness in a wasteland of constant noise.

…but yeah, even with all that context, it’s still a bit funny that I’ve wound up using pictures of Animazement’s old hotel as backgrounds for this comic.  I mean, once, in that EXACT bathroom I’m trying to pass off as a haven of tranquility, I saw one toilet knocked off the wall and another clogged up when somebody tried to stuff a whole bathrobe down it.  Congoers are beastly savages.