See?  SEE?  I really did go back to the con!  I didn’t JUST wander around other parts of town!

Anyway, for everybody who DOESN’T know, the design on that guy’s mask is iconic pattern used on the floors of the Marriott Marquis in Atlanta, which Dragoncon has sort of adopted as one of their trademark things (Though don’t try infringing on the ACTUAL copyright, there’s a whole story there we don’t have time to get into).  They’ve made it such a thing that, yes, even a dweeb like me who’s never even been inside the Marriott Marquis still recognizes that pattern immediately.  The friggin New Day had ring gear made with that pattern on itm for crying out loud.

And before anybody asks why I HAVEN’T been to Dragoncon already, my answer is the same that it’s been for over a decade already: if YOU wanna give me a thousand dollars or so to cover the badge and hotel and travel costs, I’ll gladly take you up on it… cos I sure as heck can’t afford it on my own.  CUE PLUG FOR MY PATREON!