Yeah, a bunch of my friends are going to Dragon*con this year, and they’re trying really hard to get me to go with them. Don’t get me wrong, I’d REALLY like to go (I saw commercials for the thing all the time while during my geeky childhood, so I’ve literally wanted to go my whole life), but there’s just no way I can cough up the money… and even if I did, it’d mean no anime conventions for a while afterwards, and that’s just not an option. Sorry, dudes, but it’s a no go for me… unless someone out there has $250 they feel like giving me, that is!

For the record, though, there was never any “shun the outsider” moment like what’s depicted here. It just makes for a funnier picture this way.

(Historical Notes: I never did manage to get down to Atlanta for a DragonCon.  In retrospect, this should have been the first warning sign about how impossible big conventions were going to get.  Compared to the prices I was hearing for MAGFest this year, the cost of DragonCon a decade ago seems almost like a bargain.)