(Historical Notes: Look, I get that saying “take the fourth right” and expecting the driver to count for themselves is probably even more of a distraction than expecting the driver to eyeball the distance of a coming turn by feet, but that doesn’t change the fact that I got a STUPID number of turns wrong on the final stretch of the trip.  I’m talking about actually being right there on South Cobb Drive, just needing to make the correct turn to get into the hotel parking lot, and somehow needing a full half hour of looping around side streets to get back where I needed to be.  And, of course, the more lost I got, the more laggy the GPS got as it tried to re-compute where I needed to go.  The insult upon injury is how I literally grew up around here and STILL couldn’t work out where I was going.  It’s bad enough when they tear down old landmarks and build new stuff, but what really throws me off is when the ROADS get expanded and redirected.  That’s where situations like this one really come from.)