(Historical Notes: You know, it’s funny.  Back before this comic started, when my “convention coverage” consisted of text blogs on Facebook, I used to be able to crank those out within a week of getting home.  They were sloppy, typo-riddled, and not all that good, but I got them done really quick.  Then I got bored and they started taking longer and longer.  Like, even before the comics became my first priority, the schedule slip was already beginning.  In the end, I seriously wasn’t getting my blogs from one con finished until a week before the next one.  I took that as a sign that my heart wasn’t in it and needed to focus on something else, like the comics.  And here we were, a decade later, and it was happening again.  Almost like the problem was something, or someone, else entirely.  I was aware something was up, of course, which is why this was the first Animazement in a while with no Artist Alley table.  Believe me, you’ll hear about that.  I’m pretty sure that decision had been made well before MAGFest even happened, but the experience of doing THAT con with no table really made me feel a lot better about doing the same with this one.  More importantly, I got some positive feedback during this con about how the use of photo elements turned out in the later MAGFest comics, and that ABSOLUTELY influenced how the Animazement ones ultimately turned out.  Read on…)