No, seriously. I NEVER do conventions without cosplaying. I don’t think I’d done this since my very first Animazement, way back before the Earth cooled and the starfish aliens roamed. But alas, there just wasn’t room for any costumes after all the table stuff was packed. The best I could do was my “Conventional Wisdom Guy” glasses and the Servo puppet (and we’ll see how THAT turned out later)

(Historical Notes: Yeah, I know I keep harping on it, but it cannot be overstated just how much proper conventioning DEMANDS a dedicated vehicle, especially if you’re even thinking about doing stuff that involved bringing supplies with you.  Compared to later Artist Alley tables I’d do, I barely brought ANYTHING with me for this, and I STILL only barely had room in the suitcase.  Just don’t go to cons if you don’t have some vehicle to store boxes of stuff in.  Period.)