Being in a room with panelists is only marginally less of an experience than rooming with cosplayers. God help you if your roommates do BOTH.

(Historical Notes: Okay, remember when I said I had something weird and hotel room related that I was saving?  Well, I have no memory of staying in this hotel room.  Seriously, I was so exhausted over the course of this weekend that I genuinely don’t remember anything that happened in that room, only the stuff down in the con.  I have a single, VAGUE recollection of what the room looked like with all the crap out, probably from Past Me dwelling on it long enough to draw that previous comic, but not a single even that happened in the room.  I don’t even recall bathing, even though I know I did.  There’s not a single con that I stayed on site for but don’t have ANY recollection of, and that says loads about how busy this year was.)