Yeah, there’s no explaining this one. Usually I at least try to cough up some kind of real world justification for my inability to produce a “real” comic, but I can’t even manage that (I suppose I COULD blame the ever-mounting frustration of my still-fruitless job search, but that’s nothing new)

Anyway, I gotta level with ya: as much as I’d love Conventional Wisdom to be a smash hit with thousands of people obsessing over it, there are times I’m actually glad to be toiling away in obscurity. This is one of those times. Can you imagine the kind of horrifying fan works something like this could provoke? (And I just said the same thing about a page of Far Out There too. I gotta stop taking my anonymity for granted)

Finally, either Scribbles just had a growth spurt, or that’s one TINY Dalek.