Yep, this is what it takes to get me out of the apartment these days. It was a darn good time, though, and I had a real hard time narrowing things down to the single humorous anecdote required to this page. Also, this was the first time in a while that I was in the middle of a geek gathering and I was one of the LESS obsessive people present (I’m a bit of a late blooming Brony, mind you)

However, if you, like Yoink, feel that I’ve shortchanged the internet by failing to actually draw anything with four legs… well, might I suggest that you vote for Conventional Wisdom on Top WebComics? I’ve finally started making use of the Voting Incentive option, and there is now a special image just a few clicks away that will hopefully quench your thirst!

(Historical Notes: I’ve never been as good at keeping Conventional Wisdom stocked with new voting incentives as with Far Out There.  The pony one that went up with this comic lasted waaaaaaaaay too long after the joke was stale.  Also, this is another one of those weird “Oh yeah, that was a thing once” moments for me as I go through these old comics.  I’m not even embarrassed to have a horrible brony past or anything, there just started to be a lot of way better colorful children’s shows I could watch instead.)