So, if you happen to follow The Conventional Wisdom Facebook Page, you probably saw me spamming silly Digimon pictures onto everyone’s newsfeeds. Well, clearly, it rubbed off on me. This is probably the stupidest thing I’ve draw in a long time, AND I MAKE NO APOLOGIES.

And you know the worst part? I’VE GOT MORE COMING. This kind of stupidity is basically what we’re gonna fill up the weeks until Katsucon with. Be afraid.

(Historical Notes: This is one of the few comics I’ve ever drawn that ever came close to “going viral,” by which I mean I saw it re-posted on a few Facebook groups by people who didn’t know where it came from.  And as dated as the memes referenced in these comics are, THAT’S what seems like the biggest relic from the past to me: the fact that I used to actually follow Facebook groups.)