Okay, so here’s the deal: I’ve been getting into Soul Eater recently, and since I haven’t made any new costumes in a while, I thought it’d be neat to do Spirit. Unfortunately, the REASON I haven’t made anything is because I’m constantly broke, meaning I can’t afford to buy the red wig the costume demands. Then I figured “HEY! My hair’s the same length as his, why not just SPRAY it red?” Thus, I’ve spent the last couple of days doing mad hair experiments with a can of red spray stuff. The verdict? Well, I probably COULD pull the look off, but I doubt it’d be worth the time, effort, and mess involved.

…and I do mean MESS. This is no exaggeration, my bathroom seriously looked like some horrible murder had occurred there. I’m still trying to clean all the little specks of red up. There’s just no way that would fly in a hotel room full of other people, so no go on the spray.

In conclusion, if you happen to see a Spirit cosplayer wandering around Katsucon with abnormally natural-looking hair, be sure to say “hi”!

(Historical Notes: A full decade later, and there are STILL red spots on the wall in that bathroom that I couldn’t clean up.)