Bottom panel presented in Chibi-vision as a desperate attempt to make me SLIGHTLY less unlikable.

Before anybody gets too offended at be being a grumpy old man who only wants more panels about 80s giant robot shows, let me point out that I was cautious to not say any of the stuff on the schedule was “bad.”  Not for me?  Absolutely.  I make no apologies about the fact that I WOULD prefer a whole weekend of panels on giant robot shows.  But I’m also not gonna go on some rant about how The Tumblr Kids took over this con with their crap or whatever.  Queen City Anime Con is only a few years old.  I can’t act like it’s lost sight of what it was supposed to be, it’s “supposed to be” whatever it is right now.  And if that’s something I’m not interested in, then fine.  I’ll go over to Grumpy Old Man Con and leave the rest of you alone… OR I WOULD if Grumpy Old Man Con was a thing I could actually find.  Alas, several decades ago, the North American convention community decided to let the term “anime con” be a catch-all term for just about any fandom gathering, and now it’s wildly difficult to look at an “anime con” and know if it’s, ya know, going to be about ANIME or not.  At least, not until it’s too late to back out.  All I’m asking for is a little truth in advertising so that ya’ll don’t have to endure me complaining about something I never had any business attending in the first place.

That, or somebody could start an ACTUAL “Grumpy Old Man Con” that’s nothing but giant robots and shows from thirty years ago, ‘cos I’d ABSOLUTELY attend that.

(And no, I didn’t misspell “Furry” in the second panel.  There was genuinely a panel on the schedule about the Furby.  The 90s toy.  No, I did not attend.  I think it had already happened by the time I arrived.  Thank God.)