…it was in Germany, by the way, presumably due to some lingering issues over the original Fritz Lang Metropolis.

Clearly, I’m an important cog in the panel hosting machine, and my contributions are truly invaluable.

Anyway, this was Kurt’s Anime Home Video Museum, and was also the reason why we were hauling around so many TV and bags full of cables and discs and blah blah blah.  Actually, Kurt did this at Animazement too, and you would have seen a comic about it if I hadn’t had to cut the AZ 24 stuff short in order to get ready for Otakon.  Which is to say that comic will be comic to Patreon one of these days.  Oh, and if you think this look like a lot of stuff to drag around and set up for just one panel… well, just wait ’till you see what happened AFTERWARDS…