First off, if you’re only just now poking your head in, this is essentially part two of the previous page, so make sure you go back and read that… but then, if you’re only just now jumping in here, you should go back and read the whole set anyway, shouldn’t you?  Go on, boost those analytics!

But seriously, this threw me off SO bad.  The big Digimon cosplay photoshoot on Sunday used to be THE big non-panel thing I did at Otakon.  This was a thing all the way back at the very start of Conventional Wisdom.  Even the last time I’d been at Otakon, when I wasn’t actually in the Digimon photoshoot, it still happened and I was still there.  So NOT having that, but instead having this big group Digimon event on SATURDAY, left me even more temporally displaced than I usually am.  Seriously, I spend the whole night having to remind myself that (a.) it actually WAS night and not the afternoon, and (b.) that when I left the building, it was to go back to the hotel and NOT to drive back home.  Granted, I’m the sort of person who can forget what day it is over pretty much ANY disruption of my usual routine.  Going to the store at a different time?  Trash pick-up’s different this week?  Posting a webcomic at anything other than the usual time?  TOTAL disorientation.