(Historical Note: Oh my, THIS is annoying me.  The whole reason this comic exists is because Past Me wanted an excuse to link to all the silly Scribbles pictures I was taking during my walkabout… except that now I can’t FIND most of those pictures.  There’s a big group post of pictures on the Conventional Wisdom tumblr, but only a couple of the pictures from Thursday made it into that one.  I’d hoped to find them on Facebook, but it looks like only one of the pics got cross-posted over there.  That means the rest are lost in the miasma of Twitter… and I am NOT going on THAT search, so now the main reason for this comic is just gone.  But it gets even better, because Past Me ALREADY ruined the other reason for this comic’s existence.  This originally set up a second comic involving more Scribbles pictures at the con… but Past Me had the brilliant decision to hold THAT page back for the Patreon set, despite it honestly being the funnier of the two.  Maybe the hope was that setting up a joke here would make people become patrons to hear the punchline?  If so, that thought process is so broken I don’t even know where to start, especially considering how unfunny some of the pages that DID get kept for the public set are.  So, basically, I annoyed The Russians for NOTHING.)