(Historical Notes: That’s right, folks, Past Me decided to make a running gag out of me trying and failing to get comics written during the con AGAIN.  This… I… How… Wha… *sigh* …I do not stand behind this creative decision.  I’ve already mocked myself thoroughly about doing this in the preceding Animazement comics, but it’s sooooo much worse here.  The celebratory victory lap of this comic reaching a decade in existence, and I blow multiple pages just talking to myself?  This was the time to reflect on my experiences at Otakon over the years, to contrast how my first weekend in Baltimore was different from the present day, to do something I’d never done before, to do something PERIOD.  But as I’ve insinuated before, that would have necessitated betting a bit too real about how disillusioned I was getting over the whole con scene and my place in it, and I was in active denial of those truths at this point.  I could go on, but I still need something to say about the OTHER appearances of this running gag.

Oh, and that’s not even the correct view from our hotel room.  I don’t even think this angle is possible from that building.  EVERYTHING IS A LIE.)