(Historical Notes: To be fair, they did TECHNICALLY have plush pokeballs, but only stuff like master balls and other weird designs that the kids wouldn’t have recognized at that age.  They’d only have gotten it if they were the standard plain red and white ones. As for the Digimon thing, I’ll elaborate on the photoshoot part in a bit, but part of me really does want to dress up as my old fan character for something, just to say I did.  Not enough to actually spend money on it outside the heat of the moment, but running around a red version of the Digimon Emperor costume does still sound pretty cool.  So of course the one time I actually DID look for something cosplay related in the Dealer’s Room, instead of just complaining about the lack of anime for sale, would be a time where I couldn’t find anything I was looking for.  Booths of stupid rave goggles, you let me down.)